Dec. 3, 2022

Building a thriving business as an educator and mental health advocate for youth.

Building a thriving business as an educator and mental health advocate for youth.

Ross Szabo's has built a thriving business career as an author, speaker and the founder of a school that puts mental health advocacy and mental health education first.  After experiencing traumatic events in his youth Ross struggled openly with...

Ross Szabo's has built a thriving business career as an author, speaker and the founder of a school that puts mental health advocacy and mental health education first.  After experiencing traumatic events in his youth Ross struggled openly with Bipolar disorder and depression.  His own journey towards healing and sharing his challenges publicly led to a speaking career at age 17 and eventually to the launch of Books, wellness curriculum that he developed for use on College Universities, and today the founding of a school that teaches student's the skills necessary to develop the skills necessary for their Mental Health and wellness.  Come on the journey with us as we explore how Ross turned a personal passion into a business journey improving the lives of youth.